List of active Martinstown clubs and societies in alphabetical order:

Art Group - CLICK for more info

Baby & Toddler Group - CLICK for more info

Badminton Club - CLICK for more info

Beavers, Cubs & Scouts - CLICK for more info

Beginners Dance - CLICK for more info

Bell Ringers - CLICK for more info

Bingo - CLICK for more info

Botanical Art Group - CLICK for more info

Chair-based Exercise - CLICK for more info

Cricket Club - CLICK for more info

Dance Group - CLICK for more info

Keep Fit Class - CLICK for more info

The Mileaters  - CLICK to visit their page

MWMC Cycling Group - Meet on Tuesdays at various pubs!  
• Contact: Mike Bennett on 01305 889613 for more info

Valley Club - CLICK to visit their page

Womens Institute (WI) - CLICK to visit their page

Winterbourne Singers - CLICK for more info

Martinstown Wastewatch

The Martinstown Waste Watch Group began their independent collection of used newspapers and magazines in the village in 1989.

 Since then they have raised almost £1000 a year. This money can be used by any established group, such as Cub Scouts, Cricket Club, and Toddlers’ Group. It has provided the village with many amenities – for example, seats on the Village Green and Information Stand, cricket nets and tents for Guides.

Currently there is over £1000 in the bank and applications for grants are welcomed by the Group’s Treasurer.

 Offers of help to join the regular paper-collectors are invited. This involves one week’s transport of papers from the two deep freezers outside the Village Hall and Parish Office to a depot at Church Farm, and your turn comes round every nine or ten weeks. 

Additional help would be appreciated by the hard-working regulars!